Royal Mail celebrates the Royal Armouries - the UK's national museum of arms and armour - with a set of eight stamps. The stamps feature some of the armour from the Royal Armouries collection: 2nd class - Foot Combat armour, 1520 King Henry VIII and Alexander armour, 1607-08 Prince Henry and King Charles I; 1st class - Field and Tournament armour, 1540 King Henry VIII and Gilt armour, c.1612 Prince Henry and King Charles I; £1 - Boy's armour, c. 1615 King Charles I and Charles II and Horned helmet, 1511-14 King Henry VIII; £2.80 - Harquebusier's armour, 1686 King James II and Tonlet armour, 1520 King Henry VIII.
The BLCS 5000 cover bears an Armouries Drive, Leeds handstamp.